Due to the fact that the three schools agreed on working on the common topic about “climate change in mountain areas” the teachers initiated a logo competition among the students. More that 40 logos were designed and each school sent of the best three logos to the international online voting. During the International Mountain Day and Christmas the online voting took place.
The overall winning logo:

The ideas which leads to the design of the project logo by Karin Lehotanová, Základná škola Moskovská 2:
“The logo aims to visually communicate the problem of climate change and its impact on nature, especially on mountains and glaciers. The mountains and the twig in the logo symbolize nature, which suffers and bears the consequences of climate change. The twig is also a sign of the life and beauty of nature, which is threatened by irreversible climate changes. The melting glacier becomes a visual evidence of how the climate change is affecting the world’s glaciers. Glaciers are sensitive to rising temperatures, and their melting has grave consequences for the environment and the life on the Earth.”