Our partners
We could only realize the projects and all local activities with our network of partners of the mobility weeks. We’re very grateful that so many partners support our ideas about teaching climate change in mountain areas.

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Dr. Jane Goodall
Partners of the mobility week at the Jakob-Fugger-Gymnasium Augsburg

In Grasgehren, the project group met with Tobias Lienemann, the CEO of the local ski resort Grasgehren, who informed the group about the issue with building new cable cars for the ski resort and the alternative way they chose in the frame of the BeyondSnow-project. “It is our great concern to respect, protect and preserve nature and the unique diversity of life around the Riedbergerhorn.” was the message of Mr. Lienemann to the group.

Partners of the mobility week at the Lycée Plaine de l \’Ain in Ambérieu

Professor Doctor Gilles Escarguel, a global warming expert, biologist and paleontologist from the University in Lyon held a lecture about Europe’s projected climate in 2050, highlighting significant changes expected. A considerable part of the lecture focused on the changing climate in the Alps, where animals are experiencing disruptions in their natural behaviors. Mr. Escarguel stressed the importance of developing strategies to help species adapt to these rapid environmental changes. In mountainous regions like the Alps, where climate changes occur swiftly, altitude becomes a critical factor.

The mayor of Saint-Gervais-les-Bains in the French Alps, Mr Jean Marc Peillexwe welcomed the group at the town hall. The town is very popular for tourists, and thus also facing challenges from mass tourism and climate change. The major was talking about the challenges the region must face and the decisions he and the town council often must take to preserve the region around St. Gervais.

Partners of the mobility week at Základná škola Moskovská 2 in Banská Bystrica

The town of Banská Bystrica, in whose jurisdiction is also the primary school Základná škola, Moskovská 2, supports various project activities of the school. Within the Erasmus+ project, the city supported the school not only materially, by providing gifts and promotional items for partner schools, but above all by actively cooperating with the school on the mobility programme. The students and teachers were invited to a meeting with the mayor Mr. Ján Nosko. They received many thought-provoking and competent responses to the question of how he and the city councilors are trying to help the city become more environmentally friendly.

Mr. Dr. Robert Kanka, Ph.D., who is Head of Department of Ecological Analyses, Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS, started the scientific input with a lecture. In his presentation with the topic “Alpine vegetation as a unique tool for monitoring climate change”, he introduced “Gloria”, which is Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments.
Foresters Mr. Igor Stavný (Department of Environmental Education) and Mr. Juraj Ksiažek (National park ranger, Security Service Department) took the group to a beaver-created pond and shared their expertise, revealing the fascinating lives of beavers and their role in shaping the natural environment.

With the scientists , Assoc. Prof. Dipl.Ing. Peter Fleischer, PhD. & Dipl. Ing. Peter Fleischer Jr., PhD. from the Technical University in Zvolen and Administration of the TANAP National Park, students learned about CO2 emissions and how to calculate consumption of carbon dioxide by the plants and trees.