Christmas 2024 across Europe

Christmas is all about giving the most beautiful gift of all – our time! And there’s no better time to spend it with our loved ones. We all love a good old-fashioned Christmas tradition, like baking, watching fairy tales and playing board games. And even though we didn’t have this opportunity with our partner school classmates from our Erasmus student mobility project from Germany, Slovakia and Slovenia, we made time for them. We worked hard and creatively on presents for them just before Christmas. We embraced sustainability and recycling, turning old things into cool gifts, crafting Christmas and New Year wishes, and upcycling things otherones would throw away. Sending off the parcels at the beginning of December we waited until last week to receive the parcels from our partner schools and then the gifts were distributed among the students and teachers… 

Enjoy our small Erasmus-Christmas’24-video: 


  • teacher of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science and Erasmus+ project coordinator at Jakob-Fugger-Gymnasium Augsburg

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