Mobility in Ambérieu – March 24 – Wednesday

During the third day of this exchange, we visited some classes with our hosts. Then, after lunch we left for Chamonix, which is one of the most famous tourist resorts in the French Alpine region. It is situated at the foot of the Mont Blanc, the highest mountain of the Alps. In Chamonix, people can ski but we came there to study and see directly the effects of climate change on the mountains and the glaciers. Our first steps led to the crystal’s museum. We could see here crystals from the entire world but mainly those from the glacier region of the Mont Blanc. After one hour of visiting, each group had to go to the town and interview people in the streets on the following topics:

  • waste management
  • hazards and risks
  • developing of new forms of tourism
  • developing of forests and mountain pastures
  • transportation
  • protection of sensitive natural areas.

In the late afternoon, we went to the youth hostel’s restaurant for dinner. To end that beautiful day, we started working on billboards about a hypothetic ski resort in 2054, in link with the groups’ topics. 
